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Maintain your Peace of Mind: Long-term Benefits of Regular Maintenance

Dec 22, 2021

Everyone has a “car friend” in their life, and they will tell you: simple regular maintenance helps you avoid inconvenient and costly surprises down the road.

Toyota drivers like you understand that reliability has real value. It’s probably one of the reasons you bought a Toyota in the first place.

Regular Maintenance for Your Toyota

That’s why Toyota developed the Make A Date Every 6 months or 8,000km service program. Knowing the life cycle of the various parts and fluids in your Toyota, a regular check-up every “6 or 8” is the best interval to make sure your Toyota runs at the same level of quality and reliability as the day you drove it off the lot.

Here are somewhere between 6 and 8000 reasons thousands of drivers across Canada are on a regular maintenance schedule.

Protect your investment

Your vehicle is one of your bigger purchases in life. So the longer you can keep it running well, the more you get out of your investment.

This is especially true for Toyotas, since their trade-in and resale value is so high. A regularly maintained Toyota is held in even higher regard. Which means your investment will still be valuable for the long haul.

Canada is tough on vehicles

When you read that headline, you probably thought about the extreme cold weather. And you’d be right! Rubber and plastic simply don’t like extreme cold, ice and snow. Plus the extra wear and tear on your brakes, alignment (pot holes *cringe*), and host of parts inside your vehicle.

But that’s only part of the story - The extreme temperature changes over the year can wreak havoc on all those seals, joints, joists, connectors, the chassis, the engine - yeah, Canada demands some tough vehicles!

Regular maintenance makes sure that no matter what Canada throws at your Toyota, you’ll be ready. It’s why we do a every time you come in. If any of the over 11,000 parts on your Toyota is having a bad winter, we’ll detect it for repair or replacement.

Even when you’re driving in the most Canadian winters, all you should have to worry about is keeping that “double-double” hot.

Genuine Parts Maintain your Toyota’s integrity

One of the reasons your Toyota is so reliable is because every one of its parts meets the high standards of Toyota’s engineers.

Other repair shops often replace parts with after-market imitations which just don’t meet Toyota’s stringent standards. Every part they switch out makes your Toyota a little less of a … Toyota.

We only use genuine Toyota parts approved by the engineers who built your Toyota. In fact, we use the exact parts your Toyota was built with. So you can be confident that, as the years go by, your trusty Toyota is still trustworthy.

Toyota Brake Checkup

No one knows your Toyota like we do

Your local repair shop has to stay up on every new model of every car brand every year. So how deep is their knowledge of your particular make, model and year?

Our techs and advisors have extensive knowledge on all Toyota’s. Which means they know your Toyota inside and out. With technology changing so fast, Toyota techs constantly update their knowledge through extensive education and training with Toyota University, which includes current and new model training on the latest and greatest Toyota vehicles have to offer.

Fixed on your peace of mind.

Toyotas are made to last. So our techs and advisors take a special pride in seeing old Toyotas out on the road year after year after year, because making your Toyota run smoothly over the long haul means they’re helping customers like you drive with confidence for a very long time. And the best way to ensure that, is by following a regular maintenance schedule.

With you for the whole journey

At Toyota Parts and Service, we’re all about the long haul. When you come in for regular maintenance, we’re dedicated to make sure you’re set up for a safe and reliable drive for many, many kilometres. Our Make A Date Every 6 months or 8,000km has one important purpose: to make sure you can drive worry-free this winter and many more beyond!