About The Artwork

Required field. Please enter the title of your child's artwork.
Incorrect format.
Incorrect format. Your entry can only contain letters, numbers, and spaces.
Incorrect format.
Required field. Please enter the concept of your child's artwork.
Accepted file formats: JPG, PNG, TIFF
File size cannot exceed 1Gb
Required field. Please choose a file.

About The Child Artist

Required field. Please enter your child's first name.
Incorrect format.
Incorrect format. Your entry can only contain letters, numbers, and spaces.
Required field. Please enter your child's last name.
Incorrect format.
Incorrect format. Your entry can only contain letters, numbers, and spaces.
Date of Birth
Contest open to youth ages 15 and under.
Required field. Please enter your child's month of birth.
Format is incorrect. Example: 05
Format is incorrect. Example: 05
Required field. Please enter your child's day of birth.
Format is incorrect. Example: 21
Format is incorrect. Example: 21
Required field. Please enter your child's year of birth.
Format is incorrect. Example: 2007
Format is incorrect. Example: 2007
Child's age must be 15 years or younger. Please update date of birth.

About The Parent or Guardian

Name of parent(s) or legal guardian of child:

Required field. Please enter your first name.
Incorrect format.
Incorrect format. Your entry can only contain letters, numbers, and spaces.
Required field. Please enter your last name.
Incorrect format.
Incorrect format. Your entry can only contain letters, numbers, and spaces.
Required field. Example: example@email.com
Incorrect format.
Format is incorrect. Example: example@email.com
Invalid email address
Required field. Example: A1A 1A1
Format is incorrect. Example: A1A 1A1

Required field. Please select one option.
This field is required
Incorrect format.
Required field. Example: 123 Example Street
Incorrect format.
Incorrect format.
Required field. Example: Ottawa
Incorrect format.
Required field. Please select one option.
Please enter your address.

Please indicate your preferred method of contact

Required field. Please indicate your preferred method of contact.
Required field. Example: 555-555-5555
Incorrect format.
Format is incorrect. Example: 555-555-5555
Required field. Example: 555-555-5555
Incorrect format.
Format is incorrect. Example: 555-555-5555
Required field. Example: 555-555-5555
Incorrect format.
Format is incorrect. Example: 555-555-5555